Tana was founded in 1864 and is a geographical and communication hub in Eastern Finnmark. The highest peak is Rasttigaisa 1066m.

From Tana we fly reindeer herding, taxi, sightseeing, cargo, personnel, fire, etc.

Types of helicopter: Airbus H125 (AS350) 

Helikopter Airbus H125 (AS350)

Airbus H125 (AS350)

Contact us:


Várjjatgeaidnu 394, 9845 Tana

Contact information (OCC):

Phone: +47 483 13 000
Email: [email protected]

Area of coverage:

From Tana, we mostly cover the north-eastern part of Norway (together with Alta). From Kautokeino and Karasjok in the south to Øksfjord and Sørøya in the west, Magerøya in the north, and Kirkenes in the east.

Tana Helikopterbase